Comparing discretization techniques
In Periodic problems and plane-wave discretisations we saw how simple 1D problems can be modelled using plane-wave basis sets. This example invites you to work out some details on these aspects yourself using a number of exercises. The solutions are given at the bottom of the page.
For this example we consider the discretization of
\[ H = - \frac12 Δ + V(x) \quad \text{with $V(x) = \cos(x)$}\]
on $[0, 2π]$ with periodic boundary conditions. The $\cos(x)$ takes the role of a lattice-periodic potential. We will be interested in the smallest eigenvalues of this discretized Hamiltonian. Of note the boundary condition matters: The spectrum we will get is different from e.g. the spectrum of $H$ on $\mathbb{R}$.
Finite differences
We approximate functions $ψ$ on $[0, 2\pi]$ by their values at grid points $x_k = 2\pi \frac{k}{N}$, $k=1, \dots, N$. The boundary conditions are imposed by $ψ(x_0) = ψ(x_N), ψ(x_{N+1}) = ψ(x_0)$. We then have
\[ \big(Hψ\big)(x_k) \approx \frac 1 2 \frac{-ψ_{k-1} + 2 ψ_k - ψ_{k+1}}{2 δx^2} + V(x_k) ψ(x_k)\]
with $δx = \frac{2π}{N}$.
This can be put in matrix form in the following way:
# Finite differences Hamiltonian -1/2 Delta + V on [0, 2pi] with periodic bc.
# Pass it a function V.
using LinearAlgebra
function build_finite_differences_matrix(Vfunction, N::Integer)
δx = 2π/N
# Finite-difference approximation to -½Δ
T = 1/(2δx^2) * Tridiagonal(-ones(N-1), 2ones(N), -ones(N-1))
# The type Tridiagonal is efficient, but to establish the periodic boundary conditions
# we need to add elements not on the three diagonals, so convert to dense matrix
T = Matrix(T)
T[1, N] = T[N, 1] = -1 / (2δx^2)
# Finite-difference approximation to potential: We collect all coordinates ...
x_coords = [k * δx for k=1:N]
V = Diagonal(Vfunction.(x_coords)) # ... and evaluate V on each of the x_coords
T + V
Show that the finite-difference approximation of -½Δ is indeed an approximation of the second derivative. Obtain an estimate of the first eigenvalue of $H$. Hint: Take a look at the eigen
function from LinearAlgebra
Plane waves method
In this method, we expand states on the basis
\[ e_G(x) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}} e^{iGx} \qquad \text{for $G=-N,\dots,N$}.\]
Show that
\[ \langle e_G, e_{G'}\rangle = ∫_0^{2π} e_G(x) e_{G'}(x) d x = δ_{G, G'}\]
and (assuming $V(x) = \cos(x)$)
\[ \langle e_G, H e_{G'}\rangle = \frac 1 2 \left(|G|^2 \delta_{G,G'} + \delta_{G, G'+1} + \delta_{G, G'-1}\right).\]
What happens for a more general $V(x)$?
Code this and check the first eigenvalue agrees with the finite-difference case. Compare accuracies at various basis set sizes $N$.
Using DFTK
We now use DFTK to do the same plane-wave discretisation in this 1D system. To deal with a 1D case we use a 3D lattice with two lattice vectors set to zero.
using DFTK
a = 2π
lattice = a .* [[1 0 0.]; [0 0 0]; [0 0 0]];
Define Hamiltonian: Kinetic + Potential
terms = [Kinetic(),
ExternalFromReal(r -> cos(r[1]))] # r is a vector of size 3
model = Model(lattice; n_electrons=1, terms, spin_polarization=:spinless); # One spinless electron
Ecut defines the number of plane waves by selecting all those $G$, which satisfy the relationship $½ |G|^2 ≤ \text{Ecut}$.
Ecut = 500
basis = PlaneWaveBasis(model; Ecut, kgrid=(1, 1, 1))
PlaneWaveBasis discretization:
architecture : DFTK.CPU()
num. mpi processes : 1
num. julia threads : 1
num. DFTK threads : 1
num. blas threads : 2
num. fft threads : 1
Ecut : 500.0 Ha
fft_size : (135, 1, 1), 135 total points
kgrid : MonkhorstPack([1, 1, 1])
num. red. kpoints : 1
num. irred. kpoints : 1
Discretized Model(custom, 1D):
lattice (in Bohr) : [6.28319 , 0 , 0 ]
[0 , 0 , 0 ]
[0 , 0 , 0 ]
unit cell volume : 6.2832 Bohr
num. electrons : 1
spin polarization : spinless
temperature : 0 Ha
terms : Kinetic()
We now seek the ground state. To better separate the two steps (SCF outer loop and diagonalization inner loop), we set the diagtol (the tolerance of the eigensolver) to a small value.
diagtolalg = AdaptiveDiagtol(; diagtol_max=1e-8, diagtol_first=1e-8)
scfres = self_consistent_field(basis; tol=1e-4, diagtolalg)
Energy breakdown (in Ha):
Kinetic 0.2090845
ExternalFromReal -0.7441493
total -0.535064852288
On this simple linear (non-interacting) model, the SCF converges in one step. The ground state energy of is simply the lowest eigenvalue; it should match the smallest eigenvalue of $H$ computed above.
We can also get the first eigenvector (in the plane wave basis) and plot it
using Plots
ψ_fourier = scfres.ψ[1][:, 1]; # first k-point, all G components, first eigenvector
# Transform the wave function to real space
ψ = ifft(basis, basis.kpoints[1], ψ_fourier)[:, 1, 1]
# Eigenvectors are only defined up to a phase. We fix it by imposing that psi(0) is real
ψ /= (ψ[1] / abs(ψ[1]))
plot(real(ψ); label="")
Again this should match with the result above.
Exercise 4: Look at the Fourier coefficients of $\psi$ ($\psi$_fourier) and compare with the result above.
The DFTK Hamiltonian
We can ask DFTK for the Hamiltonian
E, ham = energy_hamiltonian(basis, scfres.ψ, scfres.occupation; ρ=scfres.ρ)
H = ham.blocks[1]
This is an opaque data structure, which encodes the Hamiltonian. What can we do with it?
using InteractiveUtils
methodswith(typeof(H), supertypes=true)
9-element Vector{Method}:- Array(block::HamiltonianBlock) in DFTK at /home/runner/work/DFTK.jl/DFTK.jl/src/terms/Hamiltonian.jl:75
- *(H::HamiltonianBlock, ψ) in DFTK at /home/runner/work/DFTK.jl/DFTK.jl/src/terms/Hamiltonian.jl:63
- (Matrix)(block::HamiltonianBlock) in DFTK at /home/runner/work/DFTK.jl/DFTK.jl/src/terms/Hamiltonian.jl:76
- eltype(block::HamiltonianBlock) in DFTK at /home/runner/work/DFTK.jl/DFTK.jl/src/terms/Hamiltonian.jl:64
- size(block::HamiltonianBlock, i::Integer) in DFTK at /home/runner/work/DFTK.jl/DFTK.jl/src/terms/Hamiltonian.jl:65
- size(block::HamiltonianBlock) in DFTK at /home/runner/work/DFTK.jl/DFTK.jl/src/terms/Hamiltonian.jl:66
- mul!(Hψ::AbstractArray, H::DFTK.DftHamiltonianBlock, ψ::AbstractArray) in DFTK at /home/runner/.julia/packages/TimerOutputs/Lw5SP/src/TimerOutput.jl:230
- PreconditionerNone(::HamiltonianBlock) in DFTK at /home/runner/work/DFTK.jl/DFTK.jl/src/eigen/preconditioners.jl:21
- PreconditionerTPA(ham::HamiltonianBlock; kwargs...) in DFTK at /home/runner/work/DFTK.jl/DFTK.jl/src/eigen/preconditioners.jl:45
This defines a number of methods. For instance, it can be used as a linear operator:
H * DFTK.random_orbitals(basis, basis.kpoints[1], 1)
63×1 Matrix{ComplexF64}:
-0.04463025780683697 - 0.04072714256343106im
0.05890780647113736 - 0.01204473450551766im
0.3799293947468385 + 0.04326851580301544im
0.28092326844837795 + 0.4589003308320304im
-0.37346703406599635 + 1.8875551823033527im
1.507881577070246 + 1.2126406332788098im
1.2931570061449982 + 3.3355375584261346im
1.23432890413051 - 1.4684763735428605im
2.2832466151426374 + 1.2532934459134133im
-1.852375159878861 - 4.285332699971629im
3.1908548154597995 + 6.616761152854753im
4.162110519921149 + 0.2795318946315002im
0.7526490646804289 - 0.5886322247528821im
1.1477353319058952 + 0.7935157251043243im
0.7631122268109111 - 1.3067832923341274im
0.6260089797616946 + 0.050452257303487076im
0.2806779706917913 + 0.18562447643934113im
0.14394295810276758 - 0.036090072023567246im
-0.0023498164893615385 - 0.05781073030329279im
We can also get its full matrix representation:
63×63 Matrix{ComplexF64}:
-3.5247e-17+0.0im … 0.5-4.87133e-17im
0.5-4.87133e-17im 1.93395e-17+1.19856e-17im
1.93395e-17+1.19856e-17im -1.76211e-18+3.43427e-18im
-1.76211e-18+3.43427e-18im -5.27235e-18-1.56473e-17im
-5.27235e-18-1.56473e-17im 1.48093e-17-1.93685e-17im
1.48093e-17-1.93685e-17im … 8.85398e-18+4.44201e-18im
8.85398e-18+4.44201e-18im -6.82427e-18+6.26594e-18im
-6.82427e-18+6.26594e-18im 6.5791e-18+9.27972e-18im
6.5791e-18+9.27972e-18im 1.9934e-18+3.73282e-18im
1.9934e-18+3.73282e-18im 2.96007e-18-6.58852e-18im
⋮ ⋱
1.9934e-18-3.73282e-18im 1.84038e-17+2.28001e-19im
1.84038e-17+2.28001e-19im … -6.82427e-18-6.26594e-18im
-6.82427e-18-6.26594e-18im 8.85398e-18-4.44201e-18im
8.85398e-18-4.44201e-18im 1.48093e-17+1.93685e-17im
1.48093e-17+1.93685e-17im -5.27235e-18+1.56473e-17im
-5.27235e-18+1.56473e-17im -1.76211e-18-3.43427e-18im
-1.76211e-18-3.43427e-18im … 1.93395e-17-1.19856e-17im
1.93395e-17-1.19856e-17im 0.5+6.88035e-17im
0.5+6.88035e-17im 0.5+0.0im
Compare this matrix with the one you obtained previously, get its eigenvectors and eigenvalues. Try to guess the ordering of $G$-vectors in DFTK.
Increase the size of the problem, and compare the time spent by DFTK's internal diagonalization algorithms to a full diagonalization of Array(H)
. Hint: The @time
macro is handy for this task.
Exercise 1
If we consider a function $f : [0, 2π] → \mathbb{R}$, to first order
\[f(x + δx) = f(x) + δx f'(x) + O(δx^2)\]
therefore after rearrangement
\[f'(x) = \frac{f(x + δx) - f(x)}{δx} + O(δx).\]
\[f''(x) = \frac{f'(x + δx) - f'(x)}{δx} + O(δx),\]
such that overall
\[f''(x) \simeq \frac{f(x + 2δx) - f(x + δx) - f(x + δx) + f(x)}{δx^2} = \frac{f(x + 2δx) - 2f(x + δx) f(x)}{δx^2}\]
In finite differences we consider a stick basis of vectors
\[\left\{ e_i = (0, …, 0, \underbrace{δx}_\text{$i$-th position}, 0, …, 0) \middle| i = 1, … N \right\}.\]
Keeping in mind the periodic boundary conditions (i.e. $e_0 = e_N$) projecting the Hamiltonian $H$ onto this basis thus yields the proposed structure.
More details needed
We start off with $N = 500$ to obtain
Hfd = build_finite_differences_matrix(cos, 100)
L, V = eigen(Hfd)
5-element Vector{Float64}:
This is already pretty accurate (to about 4 digits) as can be estimated looking at the following convergence plot:
using Plots
function fconv(N)
L, V = eigen(build_finite_differences_matrix(cos, N))
Nrange = 10:10:100
plot(Nrange, abs.(fconv.(Nrange) .- fconv(200)); yaxis=:log, legend=false)
Exercise 2
This solution has not yet been written. Any help with a PR is appreciated.
Exercise 3
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Exercise 4
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Exercise 5
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Exercise 6
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