AtomsBase integration

AtomsBase.jl is a common interface for representing atomic structures in Julia. DFTK directly supports using such structures to run a calculation as is demonstrated here.

using DFTK

Feeding an AtomsBase AbstractSystem to DFTK

In this example we construct a silicon system using the routine from the atomistic simulation environment (ASE), which is exposed by ASEconvert as an AtomsBase AbstractSystem.

# Construct bulk system and convert to an AbstractSystem
using ASEconvert
system_ase ="Si")
system = pyconvert(AbstractSystem, system_ase)
FlexibleSystem(Si₂, periodic = TTT):
    bounding_box      : [       0    2.715    2.715;
                            2.715        0    2.715;
                            2.715    2.715        0]u"Å"

    Atom(Si, [       0,        0,        0]u"Å")
    Atom(Si, [  1.3575,   1.3575,   1.3575]u"Å")


To use an AbstractSystem in DFTK, we attach pseudopotentials, construct a DFT model, discretise and solve:

system = attach_psp(system; Si="hgh/lda/si-q4")

model  = model_LDA(system; temperature=1e-3)
basis  = PlaneWaveBasis(model; Ecut=15, kgrid=[4, 4, 4])
scfres = self_consistent_field(basis, tol=1e-8);
n     Energy            log10(ΔE)   log10(Δρ)   Diag   Δtime
---   ---------------   ---------   ---------   ----   ------
  1   -7.921718894350                   -0.69    6.0    359ms
  2   -7.926163780622       -2.35       -1.22    1.0    171ms
  3   -7.926838891654       -3.17       -2.37    1.9    205ms
  4   -7.926861223699       -4.65       -3.03    2.2    247ms
  5   -7.926861646903       -6.37       -3.38    1.9    204ms
  6   -7.926861668355       -7.67       -3.76    1.6    201ms
  7   -7.926861679148       -7.97       -4.12    1.1    168ms
  8   -7.926861681794       -8.58       -5.11    1.5    182ms
  9   -7.926861681858      -10.20       -5.17    3.0    233ms
 10   -7.926861681872      -10.85       -6.44    1.0    184ms
 11   -7.926861681873      -12.21       -6.61    3.0    297ms
 12   -7.926861681873      -15.05       -7.48    1.0    167ms
 13   -7.926861681873      -15.05       -7.63    2.5    217ms
 14   -7.926861681873      -14.57       -8.02    1.0    169ms

If we did not want to use ASE we could of course use any other package which yields an AbstractSystem object. This includes:

Reading a system using AtomsIO

using AtomsIO

# Read a file using [AtomsIO](,
# which directly yields an AbstractSystem.
system = load_system("Si.extxyz")

# Now run the LDA calculation:
system = attach_psp(system; Si="hgh/lda/si-q4")
model  = model_LDA(system; temperature=1e-3)
basis  = PlaneWaveBasis(model; Ecut=15, kgrid=[4, 4, 4])
scfres = self_consistent_field(basis, tol=1e-8);
n     Energy            log10(ΔE)   log10(Δρ)   Diag   Δtime
---   ---------------   ---------   ---------   ----   ------
  1   -7.921726402777                   -0.69    5.9    327ms
  2   -7.926166570281       -2.35       -1.22    1.0    171ms
  3   -7.926839481131       -3.17       -2.37    1.9    203ms
  4   -7.926861224983       -4.66       -3.04    2.2    239ms
  5   -7.926861652185       -6.37       -3.41    1.9    240ms
  6   -7.926861670639       -7.73       -3.81    1.5    174ms
  7   -7.926861678821       -8.09       -4.09    1.6    175ms
  8   -7.926861681799       -8.53       -5.00    1.4    172ms
  9   -7.926861681859      -10.22       -5.20    2.8    223ms
 10   -7.926861681872      -10.91       -6.28    1.0    193ms
 11   -7.926861681873      -12.04       -6.50    3.0    279ms
 12   -7.926861681873      -14.45       -6.40    1.0    168ms
 13   -7.926861681873      -14.27       -7.43    1.0    166ms
┌ Warning: Eigensolver not converged
  n_iter =
   8-element Vector{Int64}:
@ DFTK ~/work/DFTK.jl/DFTK.jl/src/scf/self_consistent_field.jl:76
 14   -7.926861681873   +  -14.75       -7.61    2.5    248ms
 15   -7.926861681873   +    -Inf       -8.53    1.0    203ms

The same could be achieved using ExtXYZ by system = Atoms(read_frame("Si.extxyz")), since the ExtXYZ.Atoms object is directly AtomsBase-compatible.

Directly setting up a system in AtomsBase

using AtomsBase
using Unitful
using UnitfulAtomic

# Construct a system in the AtomsBase world
a = 10.26u"bohr"  # Silicon lattice constant
lattice = a / 2 * [[0, 1, 1.],  # Lattice as vector of vectors
                   [1, 0, 1.],
                   [1, 1, 0.]]
atoms  = [:Si => ones(3)/8, :Si => -ones(3)/8]
system = periodic_system(atoms, lattice; fractional=true)

# Now run the LDA calculation:
system = attach_psp(system; Si="hgh/lda/si-q4")
model  = model_LDA(system; temperature=1e-3)
basis  = PlaneWaveBasis(model; Ecut=15, kgrid=[4, 4, 4])
scfres = self_consistent_field(basis, tol=1e-4);
n     Energy            log10(ΔE)   log10(Δρ)   Diag   Δtime
---   ---------------   ---------   ---------   ----   ------
  1   -7.921712177776                   -0.69    6.0    379ms
  2   -7.926167309665       -2.35       -1.22    1.0    181ms
  3   -7.926842651134       -3.17       -2.37    1.9    260ms
  4   -7.926864640918       -4.66       -3.03    2.0    247ms
  5   -7.926865056715       -6.38       -3.37    1.9    219ms
  6   -7.926865078048       -7.67       -3.73    1.5    181ms
  7   -7.926865090532       -7.90       -4.15    1.0    178ms

Obtaining an AbstractSystem from DFTK data

At any point we can also get back the DFTK model as an AtomsBase-compatible AbstractSystem:

second_system = atomic_system(model)
FlexibleSystem(Si₂, periodic = TTT):
    bounding_box      : [       0     5.13     5.13;
                             5.13        0     5.13;
                             5.13     5.13        0]u"a₀"

    Atom(Si, [  1.2825,   1.2825,   1.2825]u"a₀")
    Atom(Si, [ -1.2825,  -1.2825,  -1.2825]u"a₀")


Similarly DFTK offers a method to the atomic_system and periodic_system functions (from AtomsBase), which enable a seamless conversion of the usual data structures for setting up DFTK calculations into an AbstractSystem:

lattice = 5.431u"Å" / 2 * [[0 1 1.];
                           [1 0 1.];
                           [1 1 0.]];
Si = ElementPsp(:Si; psp=load_psp("hgh/lda/Si-q4"))
atoms     = [Si, Si]
positions = [ones(3)/8, -ones(3)/8]

third_system = atomic_system(lattice, atoms, positions)
FlexibleSystem(Si₂, periodic = TTT):
    bounding_box      : [       0  5.13155  5.13155;
                          5.13155        0  5.13155;
                          5.13155  5.13155        0]u"a₀"

    Atom(Si, [ 1.28289,  1.28289,  1.28289]u"a₀")
    Atom(Si, [-1.28289, -1.28289, -1.28289]u"a₀")
