Comparison of DFT solvers

We compare four different approaches for solving the DFT minimisation problem, namely a density-based SCF, a potential-based SCF, direct minimisation and Newton.

First we setup our problem

using DFTK
using LinearAlgebra

a = 10.26  # Silicon lattice constant in Bohr
lattice = a / 2 * [[0 1 1.];
                   [1 0 1.];
                   [1 1 0.]]
Si = ElementPsp(:Si; psp=load_psp("hgh/lda/Si-q4"))
atoms     = [Si, Si]
positions = [ones(3)/8, -ones(3)/8]

model = model_LDA(lattice, atoms, positions)
basis = PlaneWaveBasis(model; Ecut=5, kgrid=[3, 3, 3])

# Convergence we desire in the density
tol = 1e-6

Density-based self-consistent field

scfres_scf = self_consistent_field(basis; tol);
n     Energy            log10(ΔE)   log10(Δρ)   Diag   Δtime
---   ---------------   ---------   ---------   ----   ------
  1   -7.847680505586                   -0.70    4.2   27.9ms
  2   -7.852388703731       -2.33       -1.53    1.0   16.8ms
  3   -7.852608855028       -3.66       -2.54    1.2   17.5ms
  4   -7.852645473561       -4.44       -2.78    2.5   21.8ms
  5   -7.852646130446       -6.18       -2.89    1.2   17.3ms
  6   -7.852646668229       -6.27       -3.87    1.0   16.8ms
  7   -7.852646685960       -7.75       -4.60    2.0   20.0ms
  8   -7.852646686689       -9.14       -5.15    1.5   18.2ms
  9   -7.852646686726      -10.43       -6.28    1.2   18.1ms

Potential-based SCF

scfres_scfv = DFTK.scf_potential_mixing(basis; tol);
n     Energy            log10(ΔE)   log10(Δρ)   α      Diag   Δtime
---   ---------------   ---------   ---------   ----   ----   ------
  1   -7.847668809469                   -0.70           4.8   29.0ms
  2   -7.852559081664       -2.31       -1.62   0.80    2.2   19.9ms
  3   -7.852641245248       -4.09       -2.69   0.80    1.0   15.4ms
  4   -7.852646500486       -5.28       -3.39   0.80    1.8   18.2ms
  5   -7.852646681385       -6.74       -4.38   0.80    2.0   18.7ms
  6   -7.852646686645       -8.28       -4.89   0.80    2.5   21.2ms
  7   -7.852646686726      -10.09       -5.58   0.80    1.0   15.6ms
  8   -7.852646686730      -11.43       -6.64   0.80    1.8   17.9ms

Direct minimization

Note: Unlike the other algorithms, tolerance for this one is in the energy, thus we square the density tolerance value to be roughly equivalent.

scfres_dm = direct_minimization(basis; tol=tol^2);
n     Energy            log10(ΔE)   log10(Δρ)   Δtime
---   ---------------   ---------   ---------   ------
  1   +1.314028346966                   -0.99   54.8ms
  2   -1.726867674529        0.48       -0.67   24.9ms
  3   -3.891611559688        0.34       -0.44   32.9ms
  4   -5.223477079509        0.12       -0.59   32.6ms
  5   -6.880634702019        0.22       -0.77   32.7ms
  6   -7.459678585182       -0.24       -1.25   32.6ms
  7   -7.680838395671       -0.66       -1.40   24.6ms
  8   -7.764821658843       -1.08       -1.81   24.5ms
  9   -7.801693397895       -1.43       -2.16   24.6ms
 10   -7.822336088811       -1.69       -2.21   23.9ms
 11   -7.834292578520       -1.92       -2.40   24.5ms
 12   -7.842117181193       -2.11       -2.50   24.7ms
 13   -7.845702512644       -2.45       -2.44   24.6ms
 14   -7.848138041284       -2.61       -2.73   24.6ms
 15   -7.850450452343       -2.64       -2.98   24.5ms
 16   -7.851734560129       -2.89       -3.02   24.4ms
 17   -7.852270840983       -3.27       -3.53   24.3ms
 18   -7.852515722900       -3.61       -3.61   24.3ms
 19   -7.852609278459       -4.03       -3.66   24.6ms
 20   -7.852635461079       -4.58       -4.06   24.6ms
 21   -7.852642940022       -5.13       -3.97   24.7ms
 22   -7.852645447891       -5.60       -4.18   24.6ms
 23   -7.852646173663       -6.14       -5.02   24.5ms
 24   -7.852646456613       -6.55       -4.71   24.5ms
 25   -7.852646583400       -6.90       -5.08   24.6ms
 26   -7.852646646298       -7.20       -5.83   24.7ms
 27   -7.852646675741       -7.53       -5.51   24.6ms
 28   -7.852646683689       -8.10       -5.63   24.6ms
 29   -7.852646685817       -8.67       -6.38   24.7ms
 30   -7.852646686451       -9.20       -6.13   24.7ms
 31   -7.852646686635       -9.73       -6.80   24.8ms
 32   -7.852646686700      -10.19       -7.21   24.7ms
 33   -7.852646686721      -10.67       -7.41   24.7ms
 34   -7.852646686727      -11.24       -7.51   24.7ms
 35   -7.852646686728      -11.74       -8.02   24.6ms
 36   -7.852646686729      -12.12       -7.89   24.6ms
 37   -7.852646686730      -12.39       -8.29   24.6ms
 38   -7.852646686730      -12.73       -8.23   24.6ms
 39   -7.852646686730      -13.30       -8.70   24.6ms
 40   -7.852646686730      -13.80       -8.95   24.6ms
 41   -7.852646686730      -14.27       -9.03   24.6ms
 42   -7.852646686730      -14.27       -9.09   24.5ms
 43   -7.852646686730      -14.27       -9.19   30.8ms
 44   -7.852646686730   +    -Inf       -9.61    101ms
 45   -7.852646686730   +    -Inf       -8.49   32.6ms
┌ Warning: DM not converged.
@ DFTK ~/work/DFTK.jl/DFTK.jl/src/scf/scf_callbacks.jl:60

Newton algorithm

Start not too far from the solution to ensure convergence: We run first a very crude SCF to get close and then switch to Newton.

scfres_start = self_consistent_field(basis; tol=0.5);
n     Energy            log10(ΔE)   log10(Δρ)   Diag   Δtime
---   ---------------   ---------   ---------   ----   ------
  1   -7.847779003699                   -0.70    4.5   29.2ms

Remove the virtual orbitals (which Newton cannot treat yet)

ψ = DFTK.select_occupied_orbitals(basis, scfres_start.ψ, scfres_start.occupation).ψ
scfres_newton = newton(basis, ψ; tol);
n     Energy            log10(ΔE)   log10(Δρ)   Δtime
---   ---------------   ---------   ---------   ------
  1   -7.852645852050                   -1.63    404ms
  2   -7.852646686730       -6.08       -3.69    287ms
  3   -7.852646686730      -13.23       -7.20    111ms

Comparison of results

println("|ρ_newton - ρ_scf|  = ", norm(scfres_newton.ρ - scfres_scf.ρ))
println("|ρ_newton - ρ_scfv| = ", norm(scfres_newton.ρ - scfres_scfv.ρ))
println("|ρ_newton - ρ_dm|   = ", norm(scfres_newton.ρ - scfres_dm.ρ))
|ρ_newton - ρ_scf|  = 2.677551900730093e-7
|ρ_newton - ρ_scfv| = 1.1440261958962013e-7
|ρ_newton - ρ_dm|   = 3.957898427853214e-9