Creating supercells with pymatgen

The Pymatgen python library allows to setup solid-state calculations using a flexible set of classes as well as an API to an online data base of structures. Its Structure and Lattice objects are directly supported by the DFTK load_atoms and load_lattice functions, such that DFTK may be readily used to run calculation on systems defined in pymatgen. Using the pymatgen_structure function a conversion from DFTK to pymatgen structures is also possible. In the following we use this to create a silicon supercell and find its LDA ground state using direct minimisation. To run this example Julia's PyCall package needs to be able to find an installation of pymatgen.

First we setup the silicon lattice in DFTK.

using DFTK

a = 10.263141334305942  # Lattice constant in Bohr
lattice = a / 2 .* [[0 1 1.]; [1 0 1.]; [1 1 0.]]
Si = ElementPsp(:Si, psp=load_psp("hgh/lda/Si-q4"))
atoms = [Si => [ones(3)/8, -ones(3)/8]];

Next we make a [2, 2, 2] supercell using pymatgen

pystruct = pymatgen_structure(lattice, atoms)
pystruct.make_supercell([2, 2, 2])
lattice = load_lattice(pystruct)
atoms = [Si => [s.frac_coords for s in pystruct.sites]];

Setup an LDA model and discretize using a single k-point and a small Ecut of 5 Hartree.

model = model_LDA(lattice, atoms)
basis = PlaneWaveBasis(model; Ecut=5, kgrid=(1, 1, 1))
PlaneWaveBasis discretization:
    Ecut                 : 5.0 Ha
    fft_size             : (32, 32, 32)
    kgrid type           : Monkhorst-Pack
    kgrid                : [1, 1, 1]
    num. irred. kpoints  : 1

    Discretized Model(lda_xc_teter93, 3D):
        lattice (in Bohr)    : [0         , 10.2631   , 10.2631   ]
                               [10.2631   , 0         , 10.2631   ]
                               [10.2631   , 10.2631   , 0         ]
        unit cell volume     : 2162.1 Bohr³
        atoms                : Si₁₆
        atom potentials      : ElementPsp(Si, psp=hgh/lda/si-q4)
        num. electrons       : 64
        spin polarization    : none
        temperature          : 0 Ha
        terms                : Kinetic(1)
                               Xc([:lda_xc_teter93], 1, nothing)

Find the ground state using direct minimisation (always using SCF is boring ...)

scfres = direct_minimization(basis, tol=1e-5);
Iter     Function value   Gradient norm
     0     1.120997e+02     1.701574e+00
 * time: 0.3222939968109131
     1     1.041809e+01     8.919994e-01
 * time: 0.9375569820404053
     2    -1.178581e+01     1.059051e+00
 * time: 1.5300250053405762
     3    -3.436218e+01     8.664973e-01
 * time: 2.458552837371826
     4    -4.780392e+01     5.840204e-01
 * time: 3.3472259044647217
     5    -5.706941e+01     2.038790e-01
 * time: 4.299713850021362
     6    -5.987467e+01     1.145197e-01
 * time: 4.924545049667358
     7    -6.094922e+01     4.659238e-02
 * time: 5.52249002456665
     8    -6.136858e+01     5.064949e-02
 * time: 6.134449005126953
     9    -6.161500e+01     4.927532e-02
 * time: 6.7368669509887695
    10    -6.180845e+01     3.497864e-02
 * time: 7.338902950286865
    11    -6.195203e+01     2.215824e-02
 * time: 7.953557014465332
    12    -6.202228e+01     2.101805e-02
 * time: 8.590741872787476
    13    -6.208787e+01     1.669574e-02
 * time: 9.182231903076172
    14    -6.212710e+01     1.355172e-02
 * time: 9.781430959701538
    15    -6.216127e+01     9.531618e-03
 * time: 10.39702296257019
    16    -6.217941e+01     7.704468e-03
 * time: 10.996285915374756
    17    -6.219223e+01     5.886627e-03
 * time: 11.5917649269104
    18    -6.219932e+01     4.791675e-03
 * time: 12.221456050872803
    19    -6.220397e+01     4.289211e-03
 * time: 12.856597900390625
    20    -6.220715e+01     4.709372e-03
 * time: 13.472640037536621
    21    -6.221015e+01     5.663168e-03
 * time: 14.12586784362793
    22    -6.221325e+01     6.266679e-03
 * time: 14.750722885131836
    23    -6.221680e+01     6.582215e-03
 * time: 15.361937046051025
    24    -6.222138e+01     7.291693e-03
 * time: 15.963773965835571
    25    -6.222724e+01     6.527327e-03
 * time: 16.589167833328247
    26    -6.223331e+01     5.280873e-03
 * time: 17.2026789188385
    27    -6.223976e+01     5.073274e-03
 * time: 17.808965921401978
    28    -6.224558e+01     4.671182e-03
 * time: 18.438772916793823
    29    -6.225041e+01     4.909914e-03
 * time: 19.082226991653442
    30    -6.225430e+01     3.788855e-03
 * time: 19.721207857131958
    31    -6.225710e+01     3.490183e-03
 * time: 20.349267959594727
    32    -6.225911e+01     2.196638e-03
 * time: 20.98568296432495
    33    -6.226038e+01     1.796697e-03
 * time: 21.61421489715576
    34    -6.226100e+01     1.271338e-03
 * time: 22.223652839660645
    35    -6.226132e+01     8.206273e-04
 * time: 22.869176864624023
    36    -6.226147e+01     6.764738e-04
 * time: 23.50068688392639
    37    -6.226154e+01     5.343607e-04
 * time: 24.16590404510498
    38    -6.226158e+01     4.471249e-04
 * time: 24.80649995803833
    39    -6.226161e+01     3.447733e-04
 * time: 25.443830966949463
    40    -6.226163e+01     2.720724e-04
 * time: 26.127794981002808
    41    -6.226164e+01     2.399820e-04
 * time: 26.769001007080078
    42    -6.226165e+01     1.727254e-04
 * time: 27.406342029571533
    43    -6.226166e+01     1.262878e-04
 * time: 28.027997970581055
    44    -6.226166e+01     1.384180e-04
 * time: 28.679029941558838
    45    -6.226166e+01     7.615751e-05
 * time: 29.33350896835327
    46    -6.226167e+01     5.368730e-05
 * time: 29.979135990142822
    47    -6.226167e+01     3.510774e-05
 * time: 30.603543043136597
    48    -6.226167e+01     2.593872e-05
 * time: 31.268868923187256
    49    -6.226167e+01     2.261178e-05
 * time: 31.91911482810974
    50    -6.226167e+01     1.601390e-05
 * time: 32.5457398891449
    51    -6.226167e+01     1.616628e-05
 * time: 33.158793926239014
    52    -6.226167e+01     1.451432e-05
 * time: 33.784358978271484
    53    -6.226167e+01     1.197609e-05
 * time: 34.40802788734436
    54    -6.226167e+01     9.022585e-06
 * time: 35.046030044555664
    55    -6.226167e+01     6.051419e-06
 * time: 35.64064693450928
    56    -6.226167e+01     4.195334e-06
 * time: 36.25825095176697
    57    -6.226167e+01     3.218417e-06
 * time: 36.876972913742065
    58    -6.226167e+01     2.254832e-06
 * time: 37.50343084335327
Energy breakdown (in Ha):
    Kinetic             25.7671070
    AtomicLocal         -18.8557713
    AtomicNonlocal      14.8522675
    Ewald               -67.1831486
    PspCorrection       -2.3569765
    Hartree             4.8485377 
    Xc                  -19.3336821

    total               -62.261666461971