Polarizability using automatic differentiation

Simple example for computing properties using (forward-mode) automatic differentiation. For a more classical approach and more details about computing polarizabilities, see Polarizability by linear response.

using DFTK
using LinearAlgebra
using ForwardDiff
using PseudoPotentialData

# Construct PlaneWaveBasis given a particular electric field strength
# Again we take the example of a Helium atom.
function make_basis(ε::T; a=10., Ecut=30) where {T}
    lattice = T(a) * I(3)  # lattice is a cube of ``a`` Bohrs
    # Helium at the center of the box
    pseudopotentials = PseudoFamily("cp2k.nc.sr.lda.v0_1.semicore.gth")
    atoms     = [ElementPsp(:He, pseudopotentials)]
    positions = [[1/2, 1/2, 1/2]]

    model = model_DFT(lattice, atoms, positions;
                      functionals=[:lda_x, :lda_c_vwn],
                      extra_terms=[ExternalFromReal(r -> -ε * (r[1] - a/2))],
    PlaneWaveBasis(model; Ecut, kgrid=[1, 1, 1])  # No k-point sampling on isolated system

# dipole moment of a given density (assuming the current geometry)
function dipole(basis, ρ)
    @assert isdiag(basis.model.lattice)
    a  = basis.model.lattice[1, 1]
    rr = [a * (r[1] - 1/2) for r in r_vectors(basis)]
    sum(rr .* ρ) * basis.dvol

# Function to compute the dipole for a given field strength
function compute_dipole(ε; tol=1e-8, kwargs...)
    scfres = self_consistent_field(make_basis(ε; kwargs...); tol)
    dipole(scfres.basis, scfres.ρ)

With this in place we can compute the polarizability from finite differences (just like in the previous example):

polarizability_fd = let
    ε = 0.01
    (compute_dipole(ε) - compute_dipole(0.0)) / ε

We do the same thing using automatic differentiation. Under the hood this uses custom rules to implicitly differentiate through the self-consistent field fixed-point problem. This leads to a density-functional perturbation theory problem, which is automatically set up and solved in the background.

polarizability = ForwardDiff.derivative(compute_dipole, 0.0)
println("Polarizability via ForwardDiff:       $polarizability")
println("Polarizability via finite difference: $polarizability_fd")
n     Energy            log10(ΔE)   log10(Δρ)   Diag   Δtime
---   ---------------   ---------   ---------   ----   ------
  1   -2.770820670700                   -0.52    9.0    230ms
  2   -2.772062224938       -2.91       -1.32    1.0    131ms
  3   -2.772083038195       -4.68       -2.44    1.0    111ms
  4   -2.772083345665       -6.51       -3.15    1.0    120ms
  5   -2.772083417485       -7.14       -4.21    2.0    162ms
  6   -2.772083417745       -9.59       -4.80    1.0    120ms
  7   -2.772083417811      -10.18       -6.11    2.0    138ms
  8   -2.772083417811      -13.43       -6.55    2.0    140ms
  9   -2.772083417811      -13.80       -7.56    1.0    121ms
 10   -2.772083417811   +  -13.88       -8.36    1.0    122ms

Polarizability via ForwardDiff:       1.772534973847371
Polarizability via finite difference: 1.773558027932507