Comparing discretization techniques

In Periodic problems and plane-wave discretizations we saw how simple 1D problems can be modelled using plane-wave basis sets. This example invites you to work out some details on these aspects yourself using a number of exercises. The solutions are given at the bottom of the page.

For this example we consider the discretization of

\[ H = - \frac12 Δ + V(x) \quad \text{with $V(x) = \cos(x)$}\]

on $[0, 2π]$ with periodic boundary conditions. The $\cos(x)$ takes the role of a lattice-periodic potential. We will be interested in the smallest eigenvalues of this discretized Hamiltonian. Of note the boundary condition matters: The spectrum we will get is different from e.g. the spectrum of $H$ on $\mathbb{R}$.

Finite differences

We approximate functions $ψ$ on $[0, 2\pi]$ by their values at grid points $x_k = 2\pi \frac{k}{N}$, $k=1, \dots, N$. The boundary conditions are imposed by $ψ(x_0) = ψ(x_N), ψ(x_{N+1}) = ψ(x_1)$. We then have

\[ \big(Hψ\big)(x_k) \approx \frac 1 2 \frac{-ψ_{k-1} + 2 ψ_k - ψ_{k+1}}{δx^2} + V(x_k) ψ(x_k)\]

with $δx = \frac{2π}{N}$.

This can be put in matrix form in the following way:

# Finite differences Hamiltonian -1/2 Delta + V on [0, 2pi] with periodic bc.
# Pass it a function V.
using LinearAlgebra

function build_finite_differences_matrix(Vfunction, N::Integer)
    δx = 2π/N

    # Finite-difference approximation to -½Δ
    T = 1/(2δx^2) * Tridiagonal(-ones(N-1), 2ones(N), -ones(N-1))
    # The type Tridiagonal is efficient, but to establish the periodic boundary conditions
    # we need to add elements not on the three diagonals, so convert to dense matrix
    T = Matrix(T)
    T[1, N] = T[N, 1] = -1 / (2δx^2)

    # Finite-difference approximation to potential: We collect all coordinates ...
    x_coords = [k * δx for k=1:N]
    V = Diagonal(Vfunction.(x_coords))  # ... and evaluate V on each of the x_coords

    T + V
Exercise 1

Show that the finite-difference approximation of -½Δ is indeed an approximation of the second derivative. Obtain an estimate of the first eigenvalue of $H$. Hint: Take a look at the eigen function from LinearAlgebra.

Plane waves method

In this method, we expand states on the basis

\[ e_G(x) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}} e^{iGx} \qquad \text{for $G=-N,\dots,N$}.\]

Exercise 2

Show that

\[ \langle e_G, e_{G'}\rangle = ∫_0^{2π} e_G^\ast(x) e_{G'}(x) d x = δ_{G, G'}\]

and (assuming $V(x) = \cos(x)$)

\[ \langle e_G, H e_{G'}\rangle = \frac 1 2 \left(|G|^2 \delta_{G,G'} + \delta_{G, G'+1} + \delta_{G, G'-1}\right).\]

What happens for a more general $V(x)$?

Exercise 3

Code this and check the first eigenvalue agrees with the finite-difference case. Compare accuracies at various basis set sizes $N$.

Using DFTK

We now use DFTK to do the same plane-wave discretization in this 1D system. To deal with a 1D case we use a 3D lattice with two lattice vectors set to zero.

using DFTK
a = 2π
lattice = a .* [[1 0 0.]; [0 0 0]; [0 0 0]];

Define Hamiltonian: Kinetic + Potential

terms = [Kinetic(),
         ExternalFromReal(r -> cos(r[1]))]  # r is a vector of size 3
model = Model(lattice; n_electrons=1, terms, spin_polarization=:spinless);  # One spinless electron

Ecut defines the number of plane waves by selecting all those $G$, which satisfy the relationship $½ |G|^2 ≤ \text{Ecut}$.

Ecut = 500
basis = PlaneWaveBasis(model; Ecut, kgrid=(1, 1, 1))
PlaneWaveBasis discretization:
    architecture         : DFTK.CPU()
    num. mpi processes   : 1
    num. julia threads   : 1
    num. DFTK  threads   : 1
    num. blas  threads   : 2
    num. fft   threads   : 1

    Ecut                 : 500.0 Ha
    fft_size             : (135, 1, 1), 135 total points
    kgrid                : MonkhorstPack([1, 1, 1])
    num.   red. kpoints  : 1
    num. irred. kpoints  : 1

    Discretized Model(custom, 1D):
        lattice (in Bohr)    : [6.28319   , 0         , 0         ]
                               [0         , 0         , 0         ]
                               [0         , 0         , 0         ]
        unit cell volume     : 6.2832 Bohr
        num. electrons       : 1
        spin polarization    : spinless
        temperature          : 0 Ha
        terms                : Kinetic()

We now seek the ground state using the self-consistent field algorithm.

scfres = self_consistent_field(basis; tol=1e-4)
Energy breakdown (in Ha):
    Kinetic             0.2090845 
    ExternalFromReal    -0.7441493

    total               -0.535064852288

On this simple linear (non-interacting) model, the SCF converges in one step. The ground state energy of is simply the lowest eigenvalue; it should match the smallest eigenvalue of $H$ computed above.


We can also get the first eigenvector (in the plane wave basis) and plot it

using Plots

ψ_fourier = scfres.ψ[1][:, 1];    # first k-point, all G components, first eigenvector
# Transform the wave function to real space
ψ = ifft(basis, basis.kpoints[1], ψ_fourier)[:, 1, 1]
# Eigenvectors are only defined up to a phase. We fix it by imposing that psi(0) is real
ψ /= (ψ[1] / abs(ψ[1]))
plot(real(ψ); label="")
Example block output

Again this should match with the result above.

Exercise 4

Look at the Fourier coefficients of ψ_fourier and compare with the result above.

The DFTK Hamiltonian

We can ask DFTK for the Hamiltonian

E, ham = energy_hamiltonian(basis, scfres.ψ, scfres.occupation; ρ=scfres.ρ)
H = ham.blocks[1]

This is an opaque data structure, which encodes the Hamiltonian. What can we do with it?

using InteractiveUtils
methodswith(typeof(H), supertypes=true)
9-element Vector{Method}:

This defines a number of methods. For instance, it can be used as a linear operator:

H * DFTK.random_orbitals(basis, basis.kpoints[1], 1)
63×1 Matrix{ComplexF64}:
 -0.01548298987089964 - 0.022237202592521783im
 0.030857842612052617 + 0.04107248365614666im
  0.12304115068485144 + 0.037573069795807816im
 -0.21442935959364595 + 0.3654241104438954im
 -0.06829637062041108 - 0.6732339725348944im
   1.9755009519502535 + 1.2307796607266406im
  -1.5569273486005077 - 0.559289158842194im
  -1.3196976740033122 - 0.5586070393145067im
    2.306431341928404 + 0.8187478865036381im
   -2.333908040899952 - 1.7042999004072132im
  0.42229441303671583 - 3.850759603182115im
   2.3875405781789403 + 2.5114424879642434im
   -4.867247575049425 + 1.4408812110130433im
   1.9187739849008238 - 2.5890954413897376im
 -0.18885971103271398 - 1.8744953834710927im
   0.8576488426347645 - 1.041082675557601im
  -0.5166067780430253 - 0.5089637365594644im
 0.029267493958448243 + 0.05237021072965488im
 -0.03167678544578397 + 0.06534903506685365im

We can also get its full matrix representation:

63×63 Matrix{ComplexF64}:
  3.21245e-19+0.0im          …           0.5+9.98774e-18im
          0.5+9.98774e-18im      8.97271e-18+4.91711e-18im
  8.97271e-18+4.91711e-18im     -2.04669e-18+7.85756e-18im
 -2.04669e-18+7.85756e-18im     -1.01526e-17-1.97211e-17im
 -1.01526e-17-1.97211e-17im       1.0213e-17-1.52664e-17im
   1.0213e-17-1.52664e-17im  …   1.23204e-17-9.68665e-21im
  1.23204e-17-9.68665e-21im     -2.11585e-18+3.84134e-18im
 -2.11585e-18+3.84134e-18im     -8.22387e-18-4.9923e-19im
 -8.22387e-18-4.9923e-19im       4.20171e-18+1.36319e-18im
  4.20171e-18+1.36319e-18im     -1.03454e-17-1.16715e-17im
             ⋮               ⋱  
  4.20171e-18-1.36319e-18im      3.64735e-18+1.55332e-17im
  3.64735e-18+1.55332e-17im  …  -2.11585e-18-3.84134e-18im
 -2.11585e-18-3.84134e-18im      1.23204e-17+9.68665e-21im
  1.23204e-17+9.68665e-21im       1.0213e-17+1.52664e-17im
   1.0213e-17+1.52664e-17im     -1.01526e-17+1.97211e-17im
 -1.01526e-17+1.97211e-17im     -2.04669e-18-7.85756e-18im
 -2.04669e-18-7.85756e-18im  …   8.97271e-18-4.91711e-18im
  8.97271e-18-4.91711e-18im              0.5+1.16569e-17im
          0.5+1.16569e-17im              0.5+0.0im
Exercise 5

Compare this matrix Array(H) with the one you obtained in Exercise 3, get its eigenvectors and eigenvalues. Try to guess the ordering of $G$-vectors in DFTK.

Exercise 6

Increase the size of the problem, and compare the time spent by DFTK's internal diagonalization algorithms to a full diagonalization of Array(H). Hint: The @belapsed and @benchmark macros (from the BenchmarkTools package) are handy for this task. Note that there are some subtleties with global variables (see the BenchmarkTools docs for details). E.g. to use it to benchmark a function like eigen(H) run it as (note the $):

using BenchmarkTools
@benchmark eigen($H)


Exercise 1

If we consider a function $f : [0, 2π] → \mathbb{R}$, to first order

\[f(x + δx) = f(x) + δx f'(x) + O(δx^2)\]

therefore after rearrangement

\[f'(x) = \frac{f(x + δx) - f(x)}{δx} + O(δx).\]


\[f''(x) = \frac{f'(x + δx) - f'(x)}{δx} + O(δx),\]

such that overall

\[f''(x) \simeq \frac{f(x + 2δx) - f(x + δx) - f(x + δx) + f(x)}{δx^2} = \frac{f(x + 2δx) - 2f(x + δx) + f(x)}{δx^2}\]

In finite differences we consider a stick basis of vectors

\[\left\{ e_i = (0, …, 0, \underbrace{δx}_\text{$i$-th position}, 0, …, 0) \middle| i = 1, … N \right\}.\]

Keeping in mind the periodic boundary conditions (i.e. $e_0 = e_N$) projecting the Hamiltonian $H$ onto this basis thus yields the proposed structure.

We start off with $N = 100$ to obtain

Hfd = build_finite_differences_matrix(cos, 100)
L, V = eigen(Hfd)
5-element Vector{Float64}:

This is already pretty accurate (to about 4 digits) as can be estimated looking at the following convergence plot:

function fconv(N)
    L, V = eigen(build_finite_differences_matrix(cos, N))
Nrange = 10:10:100
plot(Nrange, abs.(fconv.(Nrange) .- fconv(200));
     yaxis=:log, legend=false, mark=:x, xlabel="N", ylabel="Absolute error")
Example block output

Exercise 2

  • We note that

    \[\langle e_G, e_{G'}\rangle = ∫_0^{2π} e_G^\ast(x) e_{G'}(x) d x = 1/2π ∫_0^{2π} e^{i(G'-G)x} d x\]

    Since $e^{iy}$ is a periodic function with period $2\pi$, $\int_0^{2\pi} e^{i m y} = \delta_{0,m}$. Therefore if $G≠G'$ we have that $\langle e_G, e_{G'}\rangle = 0$, while $G=G'$ implies $\langle e_G, e_{G'}\rangle = 1$. In summary:

    \[\langle e_G, e_{G'}\rangle = δ_{G, G'}\]

  • Next fo $V(x) = \cos(x)$ we obtain

    \[\langle e_G, H e_{G'}\rangle = \frac 1 2 ∫_0^{2π} e_G^\ast(x) H e_{G'}(x) d x\]

    We start by applying the Hamiltonian to a plane-wave:

    \[H e_{G'}(x) = - \frac 1 2 (-|G|^2) \frac 1 {\sqrt{2π}} e^{iG'x) + cos(x) \frac 1 {\sqrt{2π}} e{iG'x}\]

    Then, using the result of the first part of the exercise and the fact that $cos(x) = \frac 1 2 \left(e{ix} + e{-ix}\right)$, we get:

    \[\begin{align*} ⟨ e_G, H e_{G'}⟩ &= \frac 1 2 G^2 δ_{G, G'} + \frac 1 {4π} \left(∫_0^{2π} e^{ix ⋅ (G'-G+1)} d x + ∫_0^{2π} e^{ix ⋅ (G'-G-1)} d x \right) \\ &= \frac 1 2 \left(|G|^2 \delta_{G,G'} + \delta_{G, G'+1} + \delta_{G, G'-1}\right) \end{align*}\]

  • In case a more general $V(x)$ was employed, this potential still has to be periodic over $[0, 2\pi]$ to fit our setting. Assuming sufficient regularity in $V$ we can employ a Fourier series:

    \[V(x) = \sum_{G=- \infty}^{\infty} \hat{V}_G e_G(x)\]


    \[\hat{V}_G = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2π}} ∫_0^{2π} V(x) e^{-iGx} dx = ∫_0^{2π} V(x) e_G^\ast dx .\]

    Note that one can change of this as a change of basis from the position basis to the plane-wave basis.

    Based on this expansion

    \[\begin{align*} ⟨ e_G, V e_{G'} ⟩ &= \left\langle e_G, ∑_{G''} \hat{V}_{G''} \, e_{G'+G''} \right\rangle \\ &= \sum_{G''=-\infty}^\infty \hat{V}_{G''} ⟨ e_G, e_{G'+G''} ⟩ \\ &= \sum_{G''=-\infty}^\infty \hat{V}_{G''} \, δ_{G-G', G''} ⟩ \\ &= \hat{V}_{G-G'} \end{align*}\]

    and therefore

    \[⟨ e_G, H e_{G'} ⟩ = \frac 1 2 |G|^2 \delta_{G,G'} + \hat{V}_{G-G'},\]

    i.e. essentially the Fourier transform of $V$ determines the contribution to the matrix elements of the Hamiltonian.

Exercise 3

The Hamiltonian matrix for the plane waves method can be found this way:

# Plane waves Hamiltonian -½Δ + cos on [0, 2pi].
function build_plane_waves_matrix_cos(N::Integer)
    # Plane wave approximation to -½Δ
    Gsq = [float(i)^2 for i in -N:N]
    # Hamiltonian as derived in Exercise 2:
    1/2 * Tridiagonal(ones(2N), Gsq, ones(2N))

Then we check that the first eigenvalue agrees with the finite-difference case, using $N = 10$:

Hpw_cos = build_plane_waves_matrix_cos(10)
L, V = eigen(Hpw_cos)
5-element Vector{Float64}:

We look at the convergence plot to compare the accuracy for various numbers of plane-waves $N$:

function fconv(N)
    L = eigvals(build_plane_waves_matrix_cos(N))

Nrange = 2:10
plot(Nrange, abs.(fconv.(Nrange) .- fconv(200)); yaxis=:log, legend=false,
     ylims=(1e-16,Inf), ylabel="Absolute error", xlabel="N", mark=:x)
Example block output

Notice how compared to exercise 1 the considered basis size $N$ is much smaller, indicating that plane-wave methods more quickly lead to accurate solutions than finite-difference methods.

Exercise 4

For efficiency reasons the data in Fourier space is not ordered increasingly with $G$. Therefore to plot the Fourier space representation sensibly, we need to sort by ascending values of the $G$ vectors first. For this we extract the Fourier vector of each plane-wave basis function in the index order:

coords_G_vectors = G_vectors_cart(basis, basis.kpoints[1])  # Get coordinates of first and only k-point

# Only keep first component of each vector (because the others are zero for 1D problems):
coords_Gx = [G[1] for G in coords_G_vectors]

p = plot(coords_Gx, real(ψ_fourier); label="real part", xlims=(-10, 10))
plot!(p, coords_Gx, imag(ψ_fourier); label="imaginary part")
Example block output

The plot is symmetric about the zero (confirming that the orbitals are real) and only takes peaked values, which corresponds to the expected result for a cosine potential.

Exercise 5

To figure out the ordering we consider a small basis and build the Hamiltonian:

basis_small  = PlaneWaveBasis(model; Ecut=5, kgrid=(1, 1, 1))
ham_small = Hamiltonian(basis_small)
H_small = Array(ham_small.blocks[1])
H_small[abs.(H_small) .< 1e-12] .= 0  # Drop numerically zero entries
7×7 Matrix{ComplexF64}:
 0.0+0.0im          0.5+1.00424e-16im  …  0.5-1.00424e-16im
 0.5-1.00424e-16im  0.5+0.0im             0.0+0.0im
 0.0+0.0im          0.5-1.00424e-16im     0.0+0.0im
 0.0+0.0im          0.0+0.0im             0.0+0.0im
 0.0+0.0im          0.0+0.0im             0.0+0.0im
 0.0+0.0im          0.0+0.0im          …  0.5+1.00424e-16im
 0.5+1.00424e-16im  0.0+0.0im             0.5+0.0im

The equivalent version using the build_plane_waves_matrix_cos function is N=3 (both give rice to a 7×7 matrix).

Hother = build_plane_waves_matrix_cos(3)
7×7 LinearAlgebra.Tridiagonal{Float64, Vector{Float64}}:
 4.5  0.5   ⋅    ⋅    ⋅    ⋅    ⋅ 
 0.5  2.0  0.5   ⋅    ⋅    ⋅    ⋅ 
  ⋅   0.5  0.5  0.5   ⋅    ⋅    ⋅ 
  ⋅    ⋅   0.5  0.0  0.5   ⋅    ⋅ 
  ⋅    ⋅    ⋅   0.5  0.5  0.5   ⋅ 
  ⋅    ⋅    ⋅    ⋅   0.5  2.0  0.5
  ⋅    ⋅    ⋅    ⋅    ⋅   0.5  4.5

By comparing the entries we find the ordering is 0,1,2,...,-2,-1, which can also be found by inspecting

first.(G_vectors(basis_small, basis_small.kpoints[1]))
7-element Vector{Int64}:

Both matrices have the same eigenvalues:

maximum(abs, eigvals(H_small) - eigvals(Hother))

and in the eigenvectors we find the same rearrangements in the entries of the eigenvectors of both matrices, matching the DFTK ordering of is 0,1,2,...,-2,-1.

eigvecs(Hother)[:, 1]
7-element Vector{Float64}:
eigvecs(H_small)[:, 1]
7-element Vector{ComplexF64}:
  -0.7915641575577493 + 1.5898485476322146e-16im
  0.42353481192310877 - 1.7013307112974292e-16im
 -0.08520425570525011 + 5.1339563909648e-17im
 0.008461095314567624 - 6.797609502050578e-18im
 0.008461095314567069 + 3.3988047510250303e-18im
 -0.08520425570524359 - 1.711318796988132e-17im
   0.4235348119230965 + 0.0im

Notice, that eigenvectors are only defined up to a phase, so the sign may globally be inverted between the two eigenvectors.

Exercise 6

We benchmark the time needed for a full diagonalization (instantiation of the Array plus call of eigen) versus the time needed for running the SCF (i.e. iterative diagonalization using plane waves).

using Printf

for Ecut in 200:200:1600
   basis_time = PlaneWaveBasis(model; Ecut, kgrid=(1, 1, 1))
   t_eigen = @elapsed eigen(Array(Hamiltonian(basis_time).blocks[1]))
   t_scf   = @elapsed self_consistent_field(basis_time; tol=1e-6, callback=identity);
   @printf "%4i  eigen=%8.4fms  scf=%8.4fms\n" Ecut 1000t_eigen 1000t_scf
 200  eigen=  2.1964ms  scf=  3.8700ms
 400  eigen=  4.0587ms  scf=  3.7618ms
 600  eigen=  6.0960ms  scf=  3.5987ms
 800  eigen=  9.5642ms  scf=  3.9578ms
1000  eigen= 11.3772ms  scf=  3.8935ms
1200  eigen= 13.6696ms  scf=  3.9881ms
1400  eigen= 15.9034ms  scf=  4.2666ms
1600  eigen= 19.2137ms  scf=  4.4306ms